Our Comprehensive Financial Planning Process Consists Of The Following Six Steps:
1. Complimentary Consultation In Our Office
Our highly personal approach begins with a one hour complimentary consultation in our office. At this meeting we will discuss your financial goals and concerns. We will explain the comprehensive financial planning and investment management services we provide, we will review a sample comprehensive financial plan, discuss our Fee Only compensation structure, and explain the next steps to work together.
2. Gathering Financial Data and Goals
Once you have decided to become a client, you will enter into our Comprehensive Financial Planning Agreement. From there you will complete our Comprehensive Financial Planning Client Questionnaire and Risk Tolerance Questionnaire. Once those documents have been submitted we can begin your personalized comprehensive financial plan.
3. Analyzing and Evaluating Your Financial Status
Once all your information has been received we will then begin the process of analyzing all the specific details pertaining to your current financial situation. After carefully reviewing your goals, we will perform a thorough review of your cash flow, insurance policies, retirement plans, investments, estate documents, tax returns, and education plans. We will then determine what you must do to meet the clearly stated financial goals.
4. Developing and Presenting the Financial Planning Recommendations
A written personal confidential comprehensive financial plan along with an implementation checklist will be completed and presented at our meeting that will be approximately 2 hours long.
5. Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendations
Implementation is crucial to achieving your financial goals. Sea Clear Financial Planning will assist you with the implementation of the plan at no additional charge for a period of one year.
6. Monitoring the Financial Planning Recommendations
As part of the initial agreement we will work with you for the remaining year to implement and monitor all phases of your plan based on your implementation checklist. If you choose to move forward as a Sea Clear Financial Planning Retainer Client, we will begin to incorporate our extensive investment management services into your plan.